​Taproot PNW

to the
Taproot Community
Cultivating Compassion and Spirit Together in Creation
Connect with Creator | Connect with Creation
Join us in the Woods | Journey to the Sea
Worship | Compassion | Community | Celebration
Connect in the Natural World for Reflection, Music, Communion, Heart Centered Focus and Prayer
Connect with Community
and Continue the Conversation
Community Worship is held on the first Sunday of the month at 4 pm -
Location: Camp Magruder!
Online Conversations
coming soon!

Our Community
Taproot PNW is a growing community of heart centered folx seeking connection with Christ and Community
in the midst of the natural world.
We are a community of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for the Creative Dreamer and the Natural World.
We come from a variety of backgrounds and we welcome you to join us at the table or around the fire.
Visit us at Camp Magruder in Rockaway, Oregon.
Come as you are.
Bring a camp chair and dress in layers.
We worship outdoors as often as possible.
When the weather is very cold or wild, we may move inside one of the lodges where we can still view the natural world and stay warm and dry.
"When I look at your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars that You have established, what are humans that You are mindful of them, mortals that You care for them?”
Psalm 8:3-4, NRSVUE

Support Our Ministry
Consider offering your time, talents,
or financial gifts
to support our emerging Creative Worship
here in the Pacific Northwest!
We share what we receive both with our host
of Camp Magruder.
In the future, we also look forward to sharing our overflow of time, talents and gifts with local charities
that care for the environment
or nourish folx in need.